Spirit Message of the Moment for KIDS! – Ideas to Celebrate Imbolc 2013

As Imbolc approaches, it’s a good time to get crafty and creative with your kids. By February, most of us are tired of the cold, snowy season. Imbolc reminds us that spring is coming soon, and that we only have a few more weeks of winter to go. The sun gets a little brighter, the earth gets302528_424689224246952_1825481881_n a little warmer, and we know that life is quickening within the soil.

Brighid Crafts
Many Pagan traditions mark Imbolc as a celebration of the Celtic goddess Brighid. This guardian of hearth and home is celebrated in her aspect as a fire goddess, so why not put together some craft projects to honor her? Try making a Brighid’s Cross to hang on your door or wall, a Brighid Doll to sit in your kitchen, or even a Brighid’s Floral Crown as an altar centerpiece.

How To Make a Brighid’s Crown
Brighid is the goddess who reminds us that spring is around the corner. She watches over hearth and home, and this craft project combines her position as firekeeper with that of fertility goddess. Make this crown as an altar decoration, or leave off the candles and hang it on your door for Imbolc.

You’ll need the following supplies:

  • A circular wreath frame, either of straw or grapevine
  • Winter evergreens, such as pine, fir or holly
  • Spring flowers, such as forsythia, dandelions, crocus, snowbulbs
  • Red, silver and white ribbons
  • Candles at least 4″ long — tapers are perfect for this
  • A hot glue gun

Place the wreath form on a flat surface. Using the hot glue gun, attach the candles around the circle. Next, attach a mixture of winter greenery and spring flowers to the wreath. Blend them together to represent the transition between winter and spring. Make it as thick and lush as you can, weaving in and around the candles. Wrap the ribbons around the wreath, weaving between the candles. Leave some excess ribbons hanging off, if you plan to hang this on your door or a wall, and then braid it or tie in a bow. If you’re using it on an altar, light the candles during rituals to honor Brighid.

What You Need

  • A wreath form
  • Winter greenery and spring flowers
  • Candles
  • Ribbons

Imbolc is a great time of fire and feasting. Since Imbolc celebrates the season of “ewe’s milk,” feel free to focus on recipes and treats that utilize dairy products. Whip up some kitchen magic for your Sabbat meal with these tasty recipes of the season! Try out a batch of Baked Custard.  

The word “Imbolc” comes in part from the phrase “ewe’s milk,” so dair070829_colour_custard-742173y products become a big part of February celebrations. For our ancestors, this time of year was hard – the winter stores were running low and there were no fresh crops. The livestock was typically preparing for birth, and the lambing season would begin soon. At that time, the ewes came into milk, and once milk arrived, you knew your family would have a source of food again. Sheep’s milk is highly nutritious, and sheep were considered a dairy animal long before cattle. If you have eggs, then you’ve got the makings of custard, a perfect dairy dessert.

Total Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes


  • 4 eggs
  • 3 C. milk
  • 1/2 C. sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt

Preheat your oven to 350. Combine all the ingredients into the bowl of a food processor, and blend for about 15 seconds, or until well mixed. Pour custard mix into ramekins or custard cups. Place the ramekins into a baking dish, and fill the dish with hot water up to a depth of about ¾”. Bake the custards for one hour.

Excerpts from Patti Wigington on about.com

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Spirit Message of the Moment for KIDS! – The Snowdrop Fairy

WOODLAND WISDOM – The Snowdrop Fairy
“The Snowdrop Fairy loves the winter when the animals in the wild come to caress her hands as she offers advice and help in the cold. She nestles close to the animals in the burrows allowing them to warm her against the icy blasts outside, teasingly playing with their tails as they sleep until they stir and are a72508_561698447191225_738447772_nwake enough to see her smile.”

“The Snowdrop Fairy says, ‘I am here to bring you enjoyment in your life. You will recognize the fairy’s touch as I bring my hand to yours and rest my face against your own as a touch of love. Celebrate the person you are, because you are so cherished and will always be. Enjoy the power that this brings, and know that I am here with you to provide a better future. I will give you my love and cherish you for always if you will allow me to.”

“But always remember it is you who has the power of change. See in yourself the person who has not found a great need to move on and has all the fire and steely determination to do it. You are about to do great things if you feel equipped to do it. And there is no reason why you shouldn’t, for you have the ability and the joy can be yours.”

Today’s excerpt is from Woodland Wisdom Oracle Cards by Frances Munro and Peter Pracownik.

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Email me at angelsoulstorms@gmail.com

Published in: on January 18, 2013 at 6:02 pm  Leave a Comment