Spirit Message of the Moment for Kids! – Happy New Year 2014

“This card indicates that you’re hiding your true feelings and aren’t being forthright about an important topic. The fairies urge you to admit your true feelings to yourself.

298080_281878188495957_4326101_nDo you feel stuck? Sad or angry? These are all symptoms that arise when we’re dishonest with ourselves. Maybe you feel that you can’t afford to be honest with yourself and that you don’t have a choice. This card isn’t asking you to make any radical life changes or have a confrontation with another person. However, it is urging you to admit your true feelings to yourself.

One easy way to get in touch with your true feelings is by going outside and engaging in a silent conversation with the fairies who live amidst the flowers, trees, and grass. Even if you can’t yet see 479912_300187596763464_968579783_nor hear the fairies, mentally tell them everything you’re thinking, feeling, and experiencing these days. Ask them to help you get in touch with your deepest feelings. The fairies love to hold a mirror up to us so that we can see and admit the truth.

Affirmation: It’s safe for me to be honest with myself and others. I speak my truth with love.”

Today’s guidance is from Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 Spirit Friends

Thank you so much for all your support, light, and great comments on both my blog and Facebook page this past year! I’ve so enjoyed the last four and a half years writing this blog and sharing readings with you of some of my favorite oracle systems with you; I am so pleased it resonat405368_10150500037554734_1317162623_nes with where you find yourself – at that exact moment in time. Here’s to a beautiful new year for you – full of intuition, infinite possibilities, adventures, laughter, abundance, and joy. Unlimited happiness is waiting for us today, we just have to open the door to let it into our lives.

My advice for the new calendar year? Take time to dream – and Dream BIG. Then Dream even Bigger than that! Go ahead and surprise yourself and take the chance; you’re worth it. Life always gives us the opportunity to change, expand, and grow into who we want to be; whether reinventing ourselves and rebuilding our lives, or simply being brave enough to let our light shine with others and proudly shine it into the world at large. Here’s to letting your light shine – and Bright! May you find inspiration everywhere you travel, with whomever you meet. May you use your intuition and spiritual instincts to discover new passions (and remember old ones), find ways to help heal hearts (even if it’s only your own), and invent countless ways to add something of good spiritual value to the world. May you live your life with a full heart and your time for learning, change, and growth never end. Wishing you much love and light for a great new year for 2014.
Bright Blessings to You,