Spirit Message of the Moment for Kids! – Believe In Yourself – You Can Do It!


“Cougar says there are times when you feel like no matter what you try to do you wocougarn’t be able to do it, whether it’s making something artistic, getting better grades in school, or doing something you have never done before. To learn and to grow you have to try new things, even if you don’t think you can do them well. You have to stretch yourself and reach a little beyond what you think you can do. That’s sometimes the only way you can find out what you can do.”


“And it doesn’t matter whether or not you succeed. If not, you can at least say you tried. If you do succeed, you build more and more confidence in yourself. One of the keys is in your thinking. If you think “Oimagesh I can never do this’, then you won’t even try. Or if you do try, you won’t put all your effort into it. Like the little engine that could, just believe that you can do it and keep trying until you accomplish what you set out to do. When you tackle something that seems difficult or challenging, it will also help to ask for my help, and I will be there in spirit. Make a list of all the things you have accomplished in the past year and as you do, notice how you feel!”

Today’s guidance is excerpted from Children’s Spirit Animal Cards by Dr. Steven D. Farmer

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Spirit Message of the Moment for KIDS! – Let Your Light Shine Bright


“You are a brilliant example of Love. Everything about you is perfect, so let your light shine and inspire others.”

“It’s time to release any feelings that tell you you’re not good enough. You’re tr548670_568891589793906_668428886_nuly beautiful, yet you sometimes struggle to allow this inner magnificence to show. This card asks you to become comfortable with all aspects of yourself. The angels wish you to know that you’re indeed perfectly created.”

“It’s easy to believe the media’s idea of what’s attractive. However, true beauty is not based on outside appearances. What you possess is an inner radiance, a fascinating and loving aura that’s desperate to be set free. When you reveal it, your confidence will increase, you’ll receive compliments, and you’ll attract like-minded new friends.”


“Love who you are. Know that you’re this way for a reason. Be honest with yourself about your feelings.” 

Today’s guidance is excerpted from Flower Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves.

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Spirit Message of the Moment for KIDS! – Time for Change

A Season of Change – Metamorphosis
“You are in the process of deep and beautiful change. Butterflies earn their wings through great effort. The process of change may often seem painful, for it is never without losses and sacrifices. If you are to transform from one form to another, a part of you needs to fade away. Letting old ways go isn’t always easy, especially when you’re used to thinking a certain way about your life and how you live it. Just as a snake sheds its old skin, or a caterpillar seemingly dies so that it can transform into a beautiful butterfly, it’s time to release old ideas, old habits, and embrace a necessary upcoming change so you can live your best life.” and be the best person you can possibly be.

Perhaps it’s time for a new routine, to visit a new place, to meet new people, or try something for the very first time. Whatever your change might be, and despite any fears you may have, it’s best to accept this as a transitional time for you full of wonder and excitement. If you can move with this upcoming change and simply embrace it, you’ll love what you become.

Some excerpts taken from The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid.

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Spirit Message of the Moment for KIDS! – Listen To Your Feelings

“This card means that someone might ask you to do something against your better judgement. You may be tempted to give in, to please the other person. You might worry that if you say no, the other person won’t like you anymore. But this card reminds you that it’s very important for you to listen to your true feelings before taking any action. You must choose for yourself what’s right and wrong.”

“If you feel confused, then talk with someone you trust, such as your mother or father, teacher or best friend. You can also speak to your angels. In the end, though, you must decide what’s right for you. This choice must come from your inner voice, not from outside pressure. Choose the path that will make you happiest in the long run. Some choices only feel good temporarily, and then afterward you feel let down. The best choices make you feel happy for a long, long time.”

“To hear your true feelings, you’ll need to make some quiet time. Close the door of your room and turn off all noises. Shut your eyes and breathe deeply. Then ask a question in your mind and listen: Listen to your body, your heart, and your mind. Write down everything that you think, see, hear, and feel from within. Take the action that you know, in your heart, is the right thing to do.”

Today’s guidance is from Doreen Virtue’s Oracle Cards for Kids: Magical Unicorns.

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Spirit Message of the Day for KIDS! – It’s Time for a Good Laugh

“You need a good laugh! You’ve been so serious lately that you’re feeling stressed. It’s time to lighten up and see the humor in the situation. There’s always something to laugh about. Think about it for a minute: What part of your life is like a movie? What parts are funny? Laughing with love is very healing. Sometimes the best way to heal a situation is to step away from it. Can you read a funny book or watch a comedy on TV? Can you get together with friends and tell silly jokes? It feels good to laugh hard, especially with loved ones.”

“This card asks you to see the humor within each situation, and not take life so seriously. You can ease your own stress and that of others with humor and laughter. Learn to feel joy, no matter what’s happening around you. Laughter and joy are magical because they bring happy situations into your life.”

Today’s message is from Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, PH.D.

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Spirit Message of the Day for KIDS! – A Favorite Fall Craft

How To Make Dried Apple Shrunken Heads

“These little faces, made from dried apples, can look really nasty and sinister — the perfect thing to decorate a Halloween party.Here’s what you need:

whole cloves
a few grains of rice
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 teaspoons salt

Peel a large apple and coat with mixture of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of salt to prevent browning. With a potato peeler or small knife carve out eye sockets, a nose, mouth and ears. Don’t worry about carving small details as they will be lost when the apple dries. Go for the big features and nature will take care of the rest.

Use whole cloves for eyes and raw rice grains for teeth (the faces also come out looking great without these extra props, just carve and let dry if you want to keep it simple). The photo below right shows the freshly carved apples used to make the apple heads in the photo above.

Sit apples on a wire rack in a warm, dry place for about 2 weeks. You can speed the drying process a little by drying in an oven set at the lowest temperature. However, the process will still take several days.”

Excerpt taken from fabulous foods .com

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